Dry Cracked Hands in Winter Remedy

Dry Cracked Hands in Winter Remedy

I did a video on dry and flaky skin on the  face in December that triggered quite a few   questions about how to deal with the excessive  dryness that happens to the hands during winter.  And while basically the same principles  apply, Why  are they so prone to dryness and cracks,   why is it a problem over the cosmetic issue  and what can you do to prevent and treat them?  Here are the answers! If you are new here, welcome!

a physician passionate about  skincare and well aging. As a quick recap: Dry skin happens when there  isn’t enough moisture in the upper layers,   which is either due to a lack of  water in the first place through a   dry environment or through increased water  loss because of an impaired skin barrier,   either through genetics or through lifestyle  factors. Usually it is a combination of both. 

Hands are constantly exposed to stressors, so  for example when you are outdoors in winter,   your hands and your face are affected by  the cold wind, when you do the dishes, your   hands are immersed in water, you are constantly  touching stuff and washing your hands afterwards,   just think about the amount of stuff you  do everyday that involves your hands.

At   the same time our hands have thin skin with many  nerve endings, especially in the fingers. They   are made to give us sensory information, explore  things by touching them, they can’t have a thick   protective layer like the soles of our feet do. And lastly there is the way they are shaped,   individual fingers with these parts of skin  in between that fold up and can trap water or   leftover soap after washing – you will often find  the worst dry patches with bleeding cracks are   located here, between thumb and hand, because the  moisture stays there and weakens the skin barrier.

Now obviously dry, flaky skin and  bleeding cracks don’t look nice,   which is one reason why you would want to take  care of that. It also is pretty uncomfortable,   especially if you have fissures already, and  that is another great reason to take preventative   measures.

There is however a third reason that  should lead you to taking care of that problem   as soon as possible: Your hands are always in  contact with different things, like cosmetics,   household cleaning products, food, plants,  whatever. That means from all your body parts,   they are the ones that are exposed to most  potential allergens. When your skin barrier   is impaired, there is a higher likelihood  for these things to get deeper into the   skin than they usually do, where they can  come in contact with immune cells and,   potentially, can trigger an allergic reaction,  both short term as dermatitis or as long-term  

acquired sensitivity to certain things. The skin acts as a barrier, meaning you   can touch a lot of stuff without it getting  anywhere, but once that barrier is weakened,   this line of defense isn’t as good  anymore, so you need to be extra cautious. Allergic contact dermatitis on the hands  is a real pain and should always be ruled   out as cause for dry skin, bleeding fissures and  flaking.

Same goes for any other cause of eczema,   if you have a medical condition that is the  root of your skin issues, cosmetics won’t be   able to treat it, so if you can, seeing a  doctor is usually a great idea to be sure.  Once medical issues are ruled out, here are  the things you can do to get your hands back   to normal, starting with prevention.

Whenever possible, protect your hands:   Wear warm gloves when you are in the cold, wear  rubber gloves when you are doing the dishes,   these two alone can make a huge difference. When you wash your hands, make sure you   dry them completely, especially in between  the fingers and underneath any jewelry you   might be wearing.

In fact, best take off your  jewelry completely before washing and drying,   that way it is less likely you miss a spot. Speaking of washing your hands: Despite their   higher alcohol content, using a hand  sanitizer seems to be less drying than   washing with hot water and alkaline soap, so  unless your hands have visible dirt on them,   using a hand sanitizer especially when  you are out and about is preferable. 

And then of course: hand cream for the win. I have  a tube in every purse, one next to the sinks I   wash my hands at, one at my office, one at my desk  at home and one in the car. Basically wherever   I go, there is a tube of hand cream so I can  moisturize my hands the second I think about it.  If you tend to forget, link hand cream  to a certain action you know you will be   doing repeatedly – obviously to washing the  hands, but also to turning on the computer,   or to turning off the computer, or to getting  another cup of tea so it can sink in while the  

tea cools down. Make it part of your everyday life  and you will surely not forget about it as often. When the skin is already dry and irritated, a  thick occlusive moisturizer is your best friend.   As they aren’t good throughout the day, the common  recommendation is to apply them at night and wear   a pair of cotton gloves on top so you can use  a thick layer without ruining your bedding.  

You can obviously do that throughout the  day as well if you have longer periods   where you can sit around with cotton gloves on. Another thing I like to do is apply a thick layer   of hand cream underneath the rubber gloves when  doing the dishes, the warmth acts as an extra   booster.

Although, “like to do” isn’t exactly  right, I much prefer it when someone else does   the dishes and I just apply the hand cream. When your hands are already red and dry and   bleeding, it is one of the few times when I would  suggest using non-fragrant products. Not because   the fragrance will on its own make things worse,  but because of the slightly increased risk for   developing allergies.
(5:27) Same goes for essential  oils of course, for plant extracts and other   extravagant things, plain and thick is best here. I don’t really have a favorite, my collection is   random stuff I pick up whenever I remember,  but the Neutrogena Hand Cream without perfume   is one that I like throughout the day –  just don’t ask what makes it a “Norwegian   formula” as they advertise.

As really heavy one  I reach for the Ombia med Foot Balsam with 10%   Urea from Aldi that has Glycerin, Panthenol, Urea  and Jojoba Oil and keeps my feet soft throughout   the year. It is one for the evenings though,  as it is thick and takes a while to sink in.   If you have other product recommendations,  please share them in the comments below. 
See you soon, bye!

I worked almost over 3 years in social media field and yet I am able to share and implement my experience into action that can make a social media platform work and get dollars from that field.


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