the first exercise inch worms 30 seconds in 3 2 1 go start with your feet shoulder width
apart bend your body and walk hands in front of you as far can then walk your hands back halfway there keep
it up repeat the exercise 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise crossbody mountain climber next up
crossbody mountain climber 30 seconds in 3 2 1 go start in the push-up position with your body
in a straight line pull your right knee to left elbow as far you can without twisting your body keep going halfway
there then quickly switch legs and repeat with the other side 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise plank
Jacks next up plank Jacks 30 seconds in three two one go start in the straight arm plank position
with your hands under shoulders and feet together hop your feet apart then back half of the time almost
there three 2 1 now have a rest next exercise straight arm plank to
Pike next up straight arm plank to Pike 30 seconds in three 2 1 go start in a straight arm plank position put your hands directly under
your shoulders and keep your feet shoulder width apart halfway there keep it up keep your body straight 3 2 1 now have a rest next
exercise skat or jump [Music] next up skater jump 30 seconds in three 2 1 go stand with your legs slightly bent and your arms at
sides jump to the right as you bring your left foot behind you and left arm in front of you dot then jump
to the other side half of the time almost there 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise inch worms next up
inch worms 30 seconds in 3 2 one go start with your feet shoulder
shoulder width apart bend your body and walk hands in front of you as far can then walk your hands back
halfway there keep it up repeat the [Music] exercise 3 2 one now have a rest next exercise Cross by mountain [
] climber next up crossbody mountain climber 30 seconds in 3 2 1 go start in the push-up position with
your body in a straight line pull your right knee to left elbow as far you can without twisting your
body keep going halfway to then quickly switch legs and repeat with the other [Music] side 3 2 1 now have the rest next exercise plank
[Music] Jacks next up plank Jacks 30 seconds in three 2 one go start in the straight arm plank position
with your hands under shoulders and feet together hop your feet apart then back half of the time almost
there 3 2 one now have a rest next exercise straight arm plank to [Music] Pike next up straight arm plank
to Pike 30 seconds in three 2 1 go start in a straight arm plank [Music] position put your hands directly
under your shoulders and keep your shoulder width apart halfway there keep it up keep your body ]
straight 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise skat or jump [Music] next up skat or jump 30 seconds
in 3 2 1 go stand with your legs slightly bent and your arms at sides jump to the right as you bring
your left foot behind you and left arm in front of you dot then jump to the other side half of the
time almost there [
] 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise inch [Music] worms next up inch worms 30 seconds in 3 2 1 go
start with your feet shoulder width apart bend your body and walk hands in front of you as far can then walk
your hands back halfway there keep it up repeat the [Music] exercise 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise
cross body mountain climber [Music] next up cross body mountain climber 30 seconds in 3 2 1 go start
in the push-up position with your body in a straight line pull your right knee to left elbow as far you can
without twisting your body keep going halfway there then quickly switch legs and repeat with the other
side 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise plank [] Jacks next up plank Jacks 30 seconds in 3 2 1 go start in the straight arm plank
position with your hands under shoulders and feet [Music] together hop your feet apart then back half of the time almost [
] there 3 2 1 now have a rest next exercise straight arm plank to [
] Pike next up straight arm plank to Pike 30 seconds in three 2 one go start in a straight arm plank position put your
hands directly under your shoulders and keep your feet shoulder width apart [Music] halfway there keep it [
] up keep your body [
] straight 3 2 one now have a rest next exercise skat or [Music] jump next up skat or jump 30 seconds in
3 2 1 go stand with your legs slightly bent and your arms at [Music] sides jump to the right as you bring your left foot behind you
and left arm in front of you dot then jump to the other side half of the time almost there [
] 3 2 1 congratulations you have finished the workout you’re the best
Now I’m going to take you through a workout that is going to completely transform your stamina
and cardio levels and is also going to completely transform your ability to run for longer the reason
why it is going to do because we’re using the same principles that we used to use before major events
when we want it to hit our peak levels of cardio fitness and that is because I’m going to be training on a specific
intensity for short durations it is all about intensity it is not about running for longer it is simply about
elevating that heart rate and that is really going to transform our cardiovascular system
so I’m really excited to show you guys this workout is the same principles we used when were going
into the World Cup and like I said we wanted to be at our peak level of fitness so I guarantee
you if incorporate today’s workout into your training routine it will transform your stamina and your cardio as well body because we’re working at such a
high rate it is going to burn through the fat is going to get you stronger you fitter and transform your ability to run for longer
so without further ado ladies we’re diving into today’s workout it is a nice high tempo if you haven’t already done a warm-up
I highly suggest you because we’re going straight into things we’re going 20 seconds on seconds on 20 seconds rest so
two exercises in forty seconds and remember the key is to push it at high-intensity as possible that is what it’s all
about then we recover for short
duration and we repeat for 10 minutes first exercises is high knees this going to mimic sprint so you want lift those
knees as high possible use those arms then when I tell you we’re gonna drop down into mountain climbers as fast
as we can for 20 then get a rest and we carry on through the workout so twice without further ado let’s fire up the
leanest in three puppies two and one here we go so really push lift those knees this is again it’s mimicking
a sprint that’s what we want back in the day let’s head over prepared
for the World Cups we only did these intense sessions for 10 15 maybe 20 minutes 3 2 1 down mountain
climbers box again be nice and far back drivers knees for it and all these different exercise again the
principles we’ve used in rugby you need to incorporate different muscles to improve your running 3 2 1
now we got 20 seconds rest we’ve got squat jumps up next for 20 seconds and then in out squat so
squat jumps up just like that in and out squat just like this okay so get a nice high tempo explosive three two one squat jump driving up it’s fast
again these explosive movements work live that honey open up those lungs as well as strength in our lower body
which is peace if we want to run for longer – one in a notes pop down and I’ll keep reading come on let’s push
it as hard we can we’re here for a short time early time 8 seconds to go Oh 3 2 1 oh my gosh ha and you can see
we’re going to high knees and rope guns into crossbody mountain climbers driving those knees across okay
but you can see that her rate is so high 3 2 wide here we go reaching up again
let me get that string stretching corn ha literally not hurt let’s push it as hard as you can 8 seconds I’m gonna
drop me down 3 2 1 driving it cross working the core again next high tempo ha come on Oh you can see
the intensity working at he’s so high that’s why it’s a short workout ha 3 2 1 5 same down we’re gonna work
on our core strength vital to running while that heart rate tied we’re gonna go plank reaches reaching
out front then plank cross body features 5 seconds to go big deep breath come on 2 1 don’t worry if you find this really
challenging that’s what
we want how you gonna make big changes in your stamina in your carniola if you have to take breaks
that’s ok I promise you do you stick with it you’ll improve 3 2 1 cross body knee hah when the fittest
I ever was then or I guess now is incorporating this type of training before the World Cups and still to
this day so much more effective hah come on 3 2 1 hah next up oh my gosh she’s burpees for 40 seconds you
can do it with the pushup if you’re not comfortable with the push-up just give
get just like that otherwise we’re doing push-ups really works the upper body strength as well the heart rate
to one that’s why we love burpees because it’s vital if you want to be a successful runner you need a
strong upper body as well strong functionally come on 25 seconds to go ha every rep makes a difference
20 to go huh here we go ha push drive up 10 seconds come on down think of all the changes that are coming
right now 3 2 1 huh back to the beginning just 5 minutes left high knees into mountain climbers
remember when it’s tough that’s what 1 always before the World Cup whatever we did hard session you always
feel the best afterwards 3 2 1 high knees come on lift those push it out don’t take your foot off this is for a dig deeper
lift the knees 10 seconds come on [] here we go 5 3 2 1 no clutters cool here we go try those knees for it and do
this summer training back in the Rubies weed where gps’s could easily view 10k a game ha 3 2 1 and still attend
to energy in the tank because like a sentence we’re gonna it’s
so effective squat jumps in the end out squat baby breath remember the hundreds more rewarding in it so
don’t shy labor in three two one squat jumps just keep doing your best even if you can’t jump squat up its bounce
again come on ten seconds this leg strength it’s huge for ability to run longer drive up to high one here we go
maybe that’s why still sink deep ha work those legs oh there we go ha come on any technics it off fast pick it up
ha three two one oh my gosh high knees and rope climbs cross body little climber seat huh
my hurry is through the roof this what I want everyone understand increasing your running is it about running
more huh my knees robot two one here we go come on lift the knees dig as deep as you can but it’s really close
you know so if guys get this to work I’ve done tagged me how do you squat on Instagram let me know how you
feel we’ve got body green come on three two one cross white journalist needs across come on push the tempo
twisty in court that course straight but you’ll ha come on push let’s keep doing your best
five seconds three two one oh my gosh baby breath plank reaches again doubling down on that court
straight as well that arm strength really vital for ability to run all right here we go come on three two one
plank reaches you can do this on your knees as well if you feel your hips with you any time drop down on
those knees nothing but keep everything ten keep breathing Cinderella power transfer me mentally physically
three two one cross body playing me driving and that’s back from everybody’s always the hardest
sessions where’s the most rewarding felt so good finishing them together it’s exactly what we’re doing here
all together come on three two one oh my gosh last 40 come on go ahead we’re Aaron lien hug 40 seconds
and this is where you make the base changes what your time when you’re 14 you push through it so here we go 30 seconds
burpees into one down head up no spots now I’m gonna go back for it and me a hole up there standing better stronger
oh here we go push it’s when you go final 20 together every rep makes a difference eight seconds five
huh three two one oh my gosh ha holy smokes any second that was ha I just 10 minutes twice bodyweight only and
it will completely transforming your ability to run for longer your stamina and cardio so sorry everyone like I said be
really really proud you Don that down remember it’s all about your best effort so even if you had to take breaks
hundred percent okay just stick with this we’re gonna see dramatic increase in your stammering ability to get
through this workout you also see a huge difference in your running because it’s
work up some memory it’s not about length normally just running more it’s about intensity incorporating
it right to exercise now we’re really gonna get you the best results so slice I really hope you like this make
sure subscribe to make sure you check the description below about my upcoming challenge you don’t
want to miss a if you love these workouts there’s so much more motivation recipes text apart so really really
maximize your meant to invisible hug otherwise I’ll see you back next episode