I’m going to share with you my exact simple strategy that brought my business $240,068 in the last 12 months. I’m going to be sharing an exact breakdown of where the money came from.
what streams of income? I have. And my exact business strategy that you can learn from and even replicate. So let’s dive in. Okay.
First, let’s break down all the different income streams of the $240,068 and saying two hundread and 40,068 is like, really awkward. So I’m just going to
say 240,000 going forward. So let’s break down the different income streams that I’m going to share with you.
What percentage of that revenue each of these income streams accounts for? Okay, so 76% of the $240,000 in revenue that my business made in the last 12 months came from digital products,
and the majority of that came from my main focus digital product,
which is my membership called Freedom Creator Club. Okay, 10.75% of the total $240,000 in revenue Came from affiliate revenue.
And I’m not talking about affiliates for my brand, but I’m talking about me affiliating for other brands and receiving commissions from those brands. so the main brands that I’m an affiliate of are systeme.
io audio, spotter Studio and School. Apparently your brand has to start with an S. I don’t know. And out of those brands,
by far the most revenue came from system dial. And I think that is solely because that is my main focus and main thing that I affiliate because simply put, I am teaching people how to make money
with digital products.
And in order to do that, you are going to need things like website funnels, sales pages, email marketing, all that cool stuff. So scenario is what I used to do, all those things.
And so of course it’s very easy and natural for me to recommend it to others as well.
This . Okay, so can you see how there’s a theme here so far on the things that are making more money?
Are the things that I am focusing on the most. Keep that in mind. Okay. 8.8% of the 240,000 came from YouTube AdSense.
I did over $20,000 with YouTube AdSense in the last 12 months. Like how cool is that? I started YouTube to grow my following and my email list to sell digital products.
I didn’t even know really about YouTube AdSense or the YouTube partner program when I started. Once I started to hear about it,
I was like, oh, that’s cool. You know, I thought it was going to be more similar to like Instagram or TikTok, where you just get like,
you know, a penny here, a dollar there. so the fact that I’m making like a part time, obviously lower end,
but part time salary from YouTube growing my following like I’m getting paid to do this is completely mind blowing to me.
And last but not least, 4.7% of that total revenue came from brand deals. This was for sure my smallest income stream,
and it is what I focused on by far the least. So once again, you can see the pattern here. Because the truth is, is that what you focus on grows.
I know lots of other people who have similar YouTube channels to me getting similar views, and I made 76% of my revenue from digital products,
whereas I know other creators who have made 75% of their total revenue, mostly from brand deals, because that’s their main focus.
And my main focus is digital products. And so I just want to share that really the takeaway here is that what you focus on grows,
and you want to make sure not to focus on a lot of things because you really cannot put your focus in every single direction.
So you kind of have to get strategic about, okay, I want to grow a YouTube channel, but where do you want your main source of income to come from?
For me, I prefer digital products because with, for example, brand deals, it’s a lot of trading time for money.
You know, I have to negotiate with the brands, film the brand deal, get them to review the brand deal, edit the brand deal into the video, schedule it.
You know, it’s a lot more work than just, you know, setting up a digital product at a checkout page once and continuing to get sales when you make more YouTube videos.
But it really just depends on the type of business you want to grow. okay. But let’s talk about exactly how I actually got these sales and how this simple strategy actually works.
Okay, so first I’m just going to literally sum this all up into one paragraph. My exact business model. Okay. Just everything I do can be summed up into one paragraph,
which is why I feel like this is a simple business model.
Okay. So essentially what I do is I put out consistent YouTube videos every single week. And those YouTube videos bring me views aka traffic.
And in those videos I promote my freebies, which are just free digital downloads. In order to get those, you put in your name and your email to get them delivered to you.
And also to join my email list. Because I know that email marketing is 40 times more effective at making sales in social media alone.
And then the people that get on my email list, I have a bunch of automated emails that move those email subscribers to purchasers of my digital products.
And that’s really it.
I make YouTube videos, I move people to my email list and I make automated sales. And of course, you’re wondering what how do you make affiliate money and brand deals and all that other stuff That just comes naturally,
because I put those links in the description of my videos. And I also mention them in my videos as well.
And something like brand deals. While the more videos you make, the better they do. People will reach out to you to want to sponsor your videos.
So it really all comes down to just consistently posting YouTube content, moving people to email subscribers,
and selling with automated emails to make those digital products sales and all the other streams of revenue happen by creating YouTube videos.
And how I made the majority of my revenue was from digital products, and my main digital product is a membership called Freedom Creator Club.
And this digital product does have an order bump and an upsell.
An order bump is like something you can add on the checkout page.
So when they go to buy, they can click if they want to add an additional thing or not.
And after they buy it will take them to another page asking if they want another additional thing that’s called an upsell.
So I do technically have like multiple product, but Freedom Creator Club is my main focus.
I do also have a lower ticket digital product that’s like 29 to $49, depending on when you purchase it.
That is my 14 day YouTube quickstart product. But that product was created with Upselling People to Freedom Creator Club in mind.
And that is exactly what it does very, very well. So as you can see, everything stems back to having a main focus.
And that main focus for me personally is Freedom Creator Club, and this is when I start to get a lot of those questions like, well, do courses not sell, do ebooks, not sell, do templates not sell? Now it doesn’t matter.
Like everything will and can sell. It’s what you focus on.
So like with my last business, when I focus on my e-book model call, that’s when I grew to $500,000 in sales.
You can absolutely sell an e-book. You can sell templates, you can sell whatever type of digital product you want.
For me, I have chosen this membership because it just fits what I’m teaching.
And I do love the monthly recurring revenue type of business model. So I just want to be very clear on that,
that the reason this is selling for me is because it’s my focus. It’s what I focus on selling.
So what I’m focused on promoting, I could easily have this be any other type of digital product, but this is what I have chosen.
So just remember any type of digital product can sell, But it’s up to you with what you want your digital product to be about and what type of digital product you want to package that information inside of.
So now you might be wondering, well, how passive really is this type of strategy or how passive really is my business?
And the truth is, is that now that I have my membership built out and selling my business is truly very passive.
And by the way, passive does not mean no work. There is nothing that is just no work.
Lay down and bed rot and money will reign on you like that does not exist. Okay? However, it is mostly work upfront to build out and then it is minimal work to maintain.
Because remember, even putting your money in the stock market, which is like the most passive thing I can think of,
you still need to actually make that money which is not passive,
and then you need to take the time to decide which stocks you’re going to buy
and all that kind of stuff. You need to check in on it.
There is nothing that is fully passive. So I just got to get that out of the way.
So now that my digital membership is created,
I have my checkout page and all that funnel and everything set up and it’s selling and I have my affiliate stuff that works.
And I’ve signed up for their programs and I have I actually just recently signed up with a brand deal manager who sends me brand deals.
It is all very passive. So for me, I mostly am working on my YouTube channel. that is like my number.
One thing is I’m continually learning about YouTube, learning how to get better at YouTube,
researching the topics I’m going to do every single month, writing the scripts, taking the thumbnails, recording the videos.
And I know it sounds like a lot.
And I’m not gonna lie, it is work for sure, but I find it really fun and I spend about 1 to 2 days a month recording the videos,
and I would say I spend about a week, but I only work about four hours a day for four days a week,
doing like finding the titles and scripting the videos and all that kind of stuff.
In case you’re wondering like how much time I spend on it. I do also do one one hour meeting a week with a couple contractors on my team,
and I do also do a one hour Q&A called Once a Week for my Freedom Creator Club members. Now of course, these are all chosen by me.
You don’t have to do a meeting with your team.
You don’t even have to have a team if you don’t want to. I like to have a few key team members,
because I like to hire people who are better at things than I am. Like, I am not that great at customer service, so I like to, you know, offload that right away.
And I also have someone on my team who does tech.
I don’t really like tech. I’m not very good at it, so I like to offload that as well. Those are basically my two main contractors.
And then we do also have a couple video editors and a thumbnail designer.
Again, I know creators who do all of this themselves,
so you can definitely do it all yourself. It just depends on like what your experience is, what you enjoy
You know, I like to work as little as possible, and I like having a little team to sort of bounce ideas off of, and it’s just fun.
I really enjoy it. I like working like, I think I said this like a million times, but as little as possible.
And I also think if you can afford it off, working your customer service is a really, really good idea because when you’re the business owner,
you’re going to take things really personally and having sort of like somebody else, you know, receiving customer service emails
or replying to them, I just feel like it makes your job a lot more enjoyable. Because, you know, you’re not dealing with like,
like, let’s say someone emails and being like, I want to cancel my subscription. That’s totally fine.
They are more than allowed to cancel their membership. I don’t expect every member to stay in my membership forever,
right? But if I, the business owner, worked really hard to create that product and sell it, and then I get that email, it’s kind of like, you know, but if I have a customer service person handling it, it’s not their business.
They don’t have to be upset about it, and I don’t have to be upset about it. And the business just run.
So anyways, little tiny rant there, but when you’re ready for it and if you can afford it,
I do recommend hiring a customer service person. Okay, I also want to share that the $240,068 is revenue and not profit.
Okay, I just want to be upfront about that. Now, I do have very, very high profit margins, so that’s something to keep in mind.
But even though I feel like this goes without saying that business owners share revenue online, I just feel like, I don’t know, sometimes I get people commenting like, is it profit? Is it revenue? So just thought I would like throw that out there.
Because after the revenue comes in, I do have expenses. Like I have a couple contractors to pay and then I have some software fees and like recurring things, you know, that I have to pay for.
And then of course, I have taxes. You know, taxes are going to be the biggest portion out of my revenue, but it is what it is that is part of running a business is paying taxes.
okay. So now that you know how my business brought in $240,068 in the last 12 months,
you might be wondering how I’ve done over $9 million in digital product sales to date over the course of my career.
But how do you do that? Well, See you in the next session.