Wonder! Imagine $5,782 Per Week With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Wonder! Imagine $5,782 Per Week With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

I make over $5,000 a week with affiliate marketing and in this I’m going to be revealing my new Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy

that you can copy and also use to make thousands of dollars a week and I’ll be showing you how to take advantage of AI tools that will make it so much easier

for you to start this requires no money or experience so anyone can do this now let’s get into it so affiliate marketing is just you promoting a Brand’s product or service with a unique link that you’re given and if someone clicks on that link and signs

up you get paid a commission so it’s pretty simple business model now there are six steps you have to

follow make thousands of dollars a month with Pinterest affiliate marketing but let’s start with the very first step which is creating a custom website that showcases all your affiliate links

having a custom website is extremely important because without it you could possibly get banned on Pinterest because they don’t allow you to just link direct affiliate links now building your website will be extremely simple using this brand new AI

website builder that I just developed it can literally build you an affiliate marketing website in just a few minutes using AI

I’m so excited to share this with you since I know it’ll help so many people so click on the link in description to get your free AI affiliate marketing website now this should take under 2 minutes

to create so I’ll go through the entire process with you all right now on this page click build my free website site add your email click here on start your store now choose your theme color I’m going to do

blue okay so here you have to go ahead and create your Shopify account basically your website is going to be on Shopify

so click here on create account now go ahead here and enter your email address then click Start free trial skip all next all right now it should just say it’s building your Shopify store and it will be ready

shortly okay once your Shopify store is created we have to now get your Shopify store UR URL so now go to settings then click on domains and right here you can see your Shopify URL so

go ahead and just copy that now come

back to the store Builder here and then just go ahead and insert that link so here’s my Shopify link next step now here there are a few steps we have to follow so first click here on access Shopify apps

click allow custom app development click it again then create an app name this custom store create app then here click on configure admin API Scopes all right now here it’s a bit tedious but you actually

have to come down the list here and check off every box that you see so literally every box here that you see check o

I’m going to go ahead and do that might take me a minute or so all right now once you’ve checked off every box just go ahead

and save then click here on install app then click install and then click here on reveal token once go ahead and just copy this let’s go back here

and now ahead paste the token now next step here click on access plans click here the basic plan now go ahead and just fill out all your information here and don’t worry you’re not going

to get charged anything right now you do have a free trial all right now just click on

subscribe and just go ahead add this information here now come back to the store Builder and click here on start store build

all right now it’s just building the store might just take a few seconds so bear with me here now click on next step now click here on access Shopify all right it’s going to bring you here where

we can actually remove the password on our store so we can view it so make sure you do that remove password save let’s go back to the next step all right our store is done let’s take a look at it all right perfect here is the

store as you can see so basically here we just have this text then we the affiliate links here then you have an option to

get people subscribe your newsletter now obviously this website is just a template you obviously don’t have to promote

these affiliate links now of course you may want to customize the website a little bit so I’ll show you how can do that so

if you can actually come back to your Shopify store so I want you to click here on online store then click here customize all right so here we can pretty much customize this however we

like so essentially here I’m going to show you what can do whenever get a new affiliate link so right here click and basically here what you can actually do is you can change the description

here to whatever you want you can change the heading then you change the link label and add a different affiliate link

so anytime you do get an affiliate link you can go ahead and just add it here let’s say you want to add more affiliate links click here on ADD column and basically here you can do the same thing add image The Heading description link label

and then the affiliate link and one thing I want to show you as well let’s exit out from here click on settings then click on domains and I do suggest you change your domain don’t have to

do this now you can it later but basically your domain is Shopify website you URL so for example I can change mine to S Finance 101 add domain so now my website URL is s finance 101. my shopify.com

now if you want to change it and actually get a professional one with doom you can click here on buy domain it does cost

money to buy a custom URL with the Doom so yeah but yeah you have a great starting website obviously make changes

add your own affiliate links to it and you will be golden let’s move on to the next step which is picking your Niche this should be something you’re

passionate about or something you want to learn more about this can honestly be anything like Finance Health Fitness gaming technology you get the idea for example what I’ve

picked is business because I’m passionate about it I know a lot it and I love teaching business to people and if you

don’t have a topic or something you’re passionate about no worries honestly just pick anything that you’re curious about learn

more it and obviously you don’t have to be an expert moving on to the next step which is actually finding affiliate links that you can put on your website there are three great websites you can use to find affiliate links first one is impact.com

second is clickbank.com and third Amazon Associates now the affiliate links you want to find should be high paying

affiliate links this means you want them to pay at least $30 per person you refer but honestly if you can get it up to 50 100

even better now personally the affiliate link I promote that makes me the most amount of money currently is Shopify and hostinger

I’m making anywhere from $25 to $200 per person I refer to each of these affiliate programs both of these are e-commerce platforms that help people build online

websites and you’re probably wondering should you copy my strategy and promote hostinger and Shopify of course you definitely can but you also don’t have to you can honestly just promote

any affiliate program in your Niche that pays well for example I found a lot of high paying affiliate links in the fitness Niche

and health some paying up upwards of $100 per person you refer now the next step is to think about whether you want

to create a personal brand or an online online brand would just be essentially a faceless brand but a personal

would be essentially you and promoting your affiliate programs for example Sarah Finance is a personal brand I enjoy showing my face and talking online but if you don’t like that then I recommend

you just create an online brand I do have an online that is entirely on Pinterest so I don’t show my face on that and honestly

I really do enjoy running it it’s a lot of fun and it’s kind of cool to see something do well that’s not connected to me I’ve had many students inside my affiliate marketing course copy my exact

strategy for creating an online brand and some of them have made thousands dollars my student Lena followed faceless strategy and made over $90,000 in her first year my student Jay also made $1,000 in his first 3 months I

would of course love to have you join my affiliate marketing course and I’d love to help you scale to over $10,000 a month the course

goes through everything you need to succeed it literally reveals my entire step-by-step strategy that makes me over $50,000 a month so if you’re interested in joining I’ll link

it in the description now let’s move on to the next step which is creating content for your Pinterest account when you create your

Pinterest account make sure you create a business Pinterest account also add a nice profile picture you can maybe add a bio create

nice usern name that reflects your personal brand or your online brand I currently have two successful Pinterest accounts

one that shows my face which is just Sarah finance and the other one that does not show my face which honestly is doing a lot better since I’m spending

more time on it unfortunately don’t want to reveal my faceless brand just because I do worry that people will copy my content as they have done for Sarah Finance but essentially

my account on Pinterest just promotes Shopify hostinger canva Robin Hood and just other Finance affiliate links here’s an image I posted that says try Shopify for free so if someone wants

to click on this image and sign up to Shopify I could make upwards of $150 per person that signs up so you could definitely promote Shopify if that’s the niche you’re interested in or

maybe you just want to promote Shopify since it makes a lot of money now in order to figure out what type of content you should be posting on your

Pinterest account I honestly recommend just looking at other people in your Niche on Pinter and see what they’re posting of course just browse on

Pinterest and see what content does well honestly Pinterest is pretty simple straightforward you know the images don’t really take long to make so you shouldn’t have any problems with this till this day

I literally just take

content ideas from other people on Pinterest so that’s honestly the simplest strategy I also suggest you go on the website Pinterest Trends and see what content is currently trending on Pinterest

this can kind of help you and give you some ideas on what content to post now let me show you how can actually create your content on Pinterest within a few minutes using canva so go ahead and create a free canva account I think they’ll give you a free trial but once you’re in your account you can actually just go ahead

and search here Pinterest pin and then here click Pinterest pin all right now what’s cool is it’s actually going to show you a bunch of different Pinterest templates here so as you can see

there are hundreds thousands of different templates you can actually use so I’m going to go ahead and just pick

this one click customize template and now I can just change this image to really whatever I want promote my certain affiliate link so let’s just say I wanted to promote Shopify here I’ll show you what I do so I’ll just change the text here first so

I put here try Shopify for free now I can maybe add a logo of Shopify up here all right I got the logo I’m just going to center it like that and I think this looks pretty good it’s very simple literally

took me less than 5 minutes to make and you can make hundreds of these photos every day to promote your affiliate links

and if you want to download this just click on share then click here on download you can make it a little bit larger that’s usually what I do then just click download and you can now upload this image to your

Pinterest now once your image from canva is ready you can go ahead and upload it to your Pinterest account now the cool thing with Pinterest is anytime you upload an image it actually lets you

link your custom website which is pretty cool so that’s exactly what you should be doing every time you post so anytime you post an image and someone clicks on it they’re going to get redirected

your website and then hopefully they can sign up to your affiliate link there and then you can make a commission my recommendation is you try to post at

least three images every day of course the more you post the better if can post 10 images a day of course they going to grow a lot faster and probably make more money honestly being successful on Pinterest is all about being

consistent and patient you can’t give up after 2 weeks you have to at least do this for 2 months before you see any significant ific results and of course that goes with any business you can’t expect to make thousands of dollars in your first week now another way you can scale your Pinterest

affiliate marketing business is by having an email newsletter so do you ever get random emails from different brands well that

means you’re subscribed to their email newsletter and so what they’re doing is actually marketing to you and it’s definitely

a great strategy to make more money so as an affiliate marketer it’s important that you start and grow an email newsletter

that way you can send out promotional content weekly to your subscribers and of course this content can just be your affiliate links I currently have about 25,000

email subscribers and I send out valuable content to them every week some of which are affiliate links here’s an example of an email I sent out as you can see here I am promoting my Shopify affiliate l

ink now on your website that you created earlier you’ll actually be able to collect emails there and grow your email

list and also be able to send out weekly newsletters to your email subscribers Shopify is definitely one of the best platforms you can use as an affiliate marketer to essentially promote your affiliate links and grow

your email list if you’re interested in learning more about this along with running Pinterest ads to scale your business

and also want to learn more about creating a Blog which you can promote on your Pinterest and just learn a lot more

about affiliate marketing in general I’d love to have you join my affiliate marketing course it literally goes through the entire strategy

I followed to personally make over $50,000 a month in profit one of my students made over $116,000 in just one month and i’ also love to help you scale over

$10,000 a month the course will be soon if you’re interested I also do highly recommend you

check out as they help you with your affiliate marketing Journey but that’s all for this thanks and I’ll see you in the next one

I worked almost over 3 years in social media field and yet I am able to share and implement my experience into action that can make a social media platform work and get dollars from that field.


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